Wish you could have made it, Ray! It was a great time. I have to give a special shout out to Elmer, a nice guy in a 96 Grand Sport from West Virginia. He ate dinner at our table on Friday night. When we saw him at the inlet (where all the activity was) we told him to save us a table if he got there first. Well, we screwed up on the time and thought the dinner was at seven (it started at six). We walked into the hall and there wasn't a table in sight. All of a sudden there was Elmer telling us to follow him. He led us right to the front where he had our six seats saved. The man of the hour!
Oh, Rick, you forgot about Rod, Who ate dinner with us Friday night and then had his daughter drive down the boardwalk behind Hank! Also, special thanks to Dan and Rod who helped me get my door to close on Friday night (long story). Can't wait until next year! Also, Bob (bigtoe) was there as part of the host club. Probably was more there but too many things going on to see.
|UPDATED|10/16/2011 8:31:51 PM (AZT)|/UPDATED|
"Down on the Boardwalk... 
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Lifetime Member #181