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Topic: car shows

in Forum: North East Region Events

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car shows (1/2)
 6/1/16 4:56am
manchestersharkLifetime Member
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Equinunk, PA - USA

1972 conv, 4-speed, 350, 200hp, numbers match, rally wheels, war bonnett yellow w/white top. good condition, nice driver.

Joined: 10/31/2007
Posts: 2465

As in other years, the Equinunk Historical society is holding their annual show on june 18th. 1000-1500 hrs. Usually a GREAT show with food music and lots of door prizes. PM me if interested. The other one is the Largest Car Show in the Northeast. syracusenationals.com July 15-17. I plan to attend, and would like to have the company of some of our C3VR folks in the area. It is held at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, New York. Anybody interested?


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Re: car shows (2/2)
 6/1/16 12:17pm
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Germansville, PA - USA

1974 Coupe 358ci 4 speed Black w/Medium Saddle interior w/79 custom leather seats. . 1999 C5 Convertible, 6 speed, Atomic orange, Oak interior.

Joined: 1/28/2010
Posts: 859

I'm doing the Historical Society show for sure...as long as we don't have a hurricane or something similar LOL



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