Hey ya'll. My brudder has a Harley Dyna he needs to sell, but he really wants to try to trade for a Corvette. He's looking for a Shark, but one he won't have to put a TON of $$$ into to make it drivable.
He has a medical issue that is causing him to black out, and riding on two wheels ain't really a good thing when you have that problem. Dr.s all over Texas haven't been able to figure out what is wrong, so he just has to deal with it. He doesn't want to get rid of the bike, but...he can't ride it, and he don't want to look at it if he cain't ride it. I suggested training wheels, but he thought that would make him a "sissy"...go figure...

If anyone knows of someone that might be interested in a trade, lemmie know, or you can call my brudder.
He has it listed on
Craigs' List, too.
I can e-mail the full sized pics if anyone is interested.
Last time I saw this bike, it was not painted...but it was nice.
I thought about swapping my '74, since it would keep both vehicles in the family, but....I ain't ridin no stinkin Hardly!
Joel Adams
C3VR Lifetime Member #56 
My Link
(click for Texas-sized view!) NCRS
"Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comforting to cry in a CORVETTE than in a Kia"