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Topic: Updates from Bowling Green Caravan??

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Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (17/27)
 9/7/09 4:25pm
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78 White/Oyster all original. Purchased from original owner

Joined: 12/10/2005
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I know that TUX will add a lot of techno color, but one item that I wanted to mention happened during the Friday Cookout.  The Mayor of Cave City stopped by to say thanks for supporting the Cave City economy.  I bet C3VR is the only group that got such top political recognition. Great Pumpkin got a good picture.  It was a great time........
Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (18/27)
 9/7/09 4:47pm
JimGLifetime Member
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Gloucester, VA - USA

1979 T-Top, Metallic Green ZZ4 350/355 hp 405 ft/lbs torque Dual Spal Fans 700R4 4 Spd O/D Transmission 2004 Z06 Commemorative Edition

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I'm jealous. Reading threads like this makes me want to readjust my life so I can have fun.


Lifetime Member #73

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Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (19/27)
 9/7/09 4:56pm
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Victor, NY - USA

2004 Commemorative Edition Coupe, Auto w/HUD. 13K miles in 2015. Sold 1982 Red Coupe

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[QUOTE=white78]I know that TUX will add a lot of techno color, but one item that I wanted to mention happened during the Friday Cookout.  The Mayor of Cave City stopped by to say thanks for supporting the Cave City economy.  I bet C3VR is the only group that got such top political recognition. Great Pumpkin got a good picture.  It was a great time........[/QUOTE]
And the mayor gave each of us a Cave City hat pin. Too kool.
I think he stopped cause we looked like a rowdy bunch.LOL
Plus he and his missus smelled the BBQ.

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Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (20/27)
 9/7/09 5:50pm
NorskyLifetime Member
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Burke, VT - USA

SOLD - "The Toy" - '70 Convertible
SOLD - "The Beast" - '90 ZR-1 (#682)
SOLD - "Betty" - '28 Ford Model A Tudor
Still have - "BLKBRRD" - '78 Pontiac Trans Am

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Hi y'all,

Arrived back at "The Ranch" around 3:30 this afternoon.  Had a GREAT week...!!!

The caravan heading south was a lot of fun.  Several days with the C3VR bunch is ALWAYS entertaining...!!!  The "new" NCM is fantastic...!!!  The "WOW" factor from the freeway is unbelievable - and the changes inside are spectacular.  During our plant tour we got to hear a new ZR1 "come to life" for the first time (that was a treat!).  A word of caution - at the Dairy Barn if you plan to order the 'Hot Brownie Split' for desert order a half sandwich for lunch.

Sorry to miss saying 'So long for now' to most of the gang Saturday night/Sunday morning.  It was not intensional!

Nice to see Marshall and Candy (Candi?) on the road during our return trip - what a coincidence that was...!!!  (And yes - my first thought was "Who is that crazy person hanging out of the window of that green SUV...???")

to be continued...


Jim Olson 

"The Toys"...!!!  Save the Wave!

Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!

Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (21/27)
 9/7/09 6:05pm
butch's vettesLifetime Member
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Dillsboro, IN - USA

1969-427/435hp T top Tri-power 2000-Mag Red six speed convertible

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okay, here's a few words about a couple of topics that haven't been touched on yet: this one's for
you, Marshall, I can't believe you didn't at least come Thursday morning for the lap around the Indy
500 speedway track! You cannot imagine what a thrill it was for both of us to drive on this track where so much history has been made and think of all the great names that had raced there. Tux and I were weaving up and down the track, warming up our tires while the caution flag was out, Tom (white 78) was driving up close to the wall while Marilyn was leaning out the window taking pictures (to be speeded up later). It takes my breath away just thinking about it. #2 item is about the trip home. The Steinke's, Hadler's, Hamilton's, Bogedains and Herold's caravaned to one of Tom
Herold's best kept secrets in Starlight, Indiana to the Huber Winery. We sat out all afternoon and drank wine, blackberry cider, ate cheese, french bread dipped in oil,and then ate supper at 5 o'clock with a little ice cream thrown in! They had an outside band,complete with singers, to entertain everyone. The road into and out of this place couldn't have been better corvette driving-at times I thought I was at the Tail of the Dragon! This place was absolutely gorgeous and we only saw a small part of it. And for you Mr Moore- I took care of your doggie bag! Nobody wanted them because they were sitting in a cooler for 2 days, but my cast iron stomach said to me, "I'll take the leftover ribs home! So for dinner tonight, I had ribs, fresh stringbeans, southwest salsa cheese from the winery and for dessert, blackberry pie with carmel Haagen-Dazs ice cream (can you smell it yet? I sure enjoyed eating it!! Can't wait till Effingham!! That's all folks! Butch


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Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (22/27)
 9/8/09 6:53am
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greer, SC - USA

C(6-5+2)VR - 1964 convertible 327/365 & 2003 convertible - 50th Anniversary Edition & 2010 3LT Coupe

Joined: 10/15/2007
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I had a great time this week. Hunter was successful with school instead of fun and I really appreciate everyone asking about him and sending their hello's and "missed seeing you" comments. He was very glad to hear this and looks forward to the west coast trip next year if the timing is right. 
The Go- Karts were always a blast. Car #2 definitely had the advantage all night. All who had that car - Terry, me, Patty... lapped the field.
The pins and cards from the Mayor were our "Get out of Jail Free" card if needed.
The ride between cave City and NCM was a great opportunity for road testing. Triple digits were a reality (again).
The BBQ was outstanding. Thanks Jim for the efforts, the food and the cooking. the C3VR comraderie was outstanding and itwas great to see everyone again. Having everyone in Cave City was a great move. My guys from SC overpaid in BG and were not happy with their accomodations.     
NCM was a blast. The expansion and the new cars in the museum were very cool - manta ray, mako shark, and the 1963 Grand Sport reproduction for example. Transformer unveining was crazy due to the number of people trying to get a picture. Got some good shots of that. Cars on the Dyno were impressive. The race vettes were impressive also. 
Concert by 1964 (Beatles clones) was actually pretty good. They looked and sounded like the real deal.
C3VR tent was always a happening place. I signed up several for all registries including a dude from Australia.
Laps at Lowe's Motor Speedway was also a highlight. Over 130 cars from the SC,NC,VA caravan participated. Triple digits is always entertaining.  
Our caravan was visually impressive (over 5 miles long)  ... but slow. We were escorted by a bad ass vette Po Po once we entered Kentucky and then through Bowling Green and into the NCM.
Made it home in 6 hours and 8 minutes averaged 70 mph ... we were moving ...
Had a great time and looking forward to next year.
Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (23/27)
 9/8/09 6:55am
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greer, SC - USA

C(6-5+2)VR - 1964 convertible 327/365 & 2003 convertible - 50th Anniversary Edition & 2010 3LT Coupe

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that's unveiling ... not inveining.
I have pics posted on Facebook. I will get some links posted. 
Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (24/27)
 9/8/09 7:09am
great pumpkinLifetime Member
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Temperance, MI - USA

1977 Corvette Orange T-Top 2003 50th Anniv. roadster

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Hi everybody! We had a great time. Arrived home about 12:30 am. Tom and Marilyn took a small caravan to the Hubner winery in southern Indiana. What a wonderful place and the scenery is amazing. We just didn't want to leave. Only hit a small amount of rain near home.
 Looking forward to Mid America see you all there!
Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (25/27)
 9/8/09 8:14am
aceintheholeLifetime Member
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Manteca, CA - USA

1978,two tone,Metalic Rootbeer & gold 1975 L48 4 speed

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Sounds priceless folks. Thanks for the pics Brian. And Dave W., we love to hear about those issues out on the road in detail. It helps prepare us for what to expect and how to resolve it. The last time I drove across the U.S. (4 times in 1970) was in a 65 Mustang with points style ign. and a Holly carb(easily diagnosed) never had a problem I couldn't deal with. please let us know if you find out more about what happened. aceinthehole2009-09-08 09:15:17


Jimmy B.
Just can't wait to get on the road again.

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Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (26/27)
 9/8/09 8:33am
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Port Orange, FL - USA

1977 Corvette Yellow T-Top & 1977 Blue/Silver T-Top

Joined: 9/5/2009
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Good afternoon and greetings from Daytona Beach, FL.  My wife and I were able to meet several of the members of this forum at the cook out on Friday night thanks to Brian for getting us involved with the group at the museum.  I have known Brian for a while on another forum and it was great being able to meet him as well as the other folks that we met at the cook out.  GREAT burgers and hot dogs. Our compliments to the chef!!!  Thanks again for the great evening and we look forward to chatting with you all here in the forum as well as the next time we all get to meet in person.
We have 2 1977 vettes as well as an 02.  I will have to figure ot how to get pictures on here. 
Y'all have a great day now hear??  That's southern talk.
Robert and Diane Fowler
JetMender2009-09-08 09:36:03
Updates from Bowling Green Caravan?? (27/27)
 9/14/09 1:33am
manget1Lifetime Member
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Indianapolis, IN - USA

Silver 1974 Convertible - L82 4 speed Low miles (was only 8,900 when I bought it in March 2006) - Now 54K miles. Original owner bought it as an investment for son's college expenses. 2008 Jetstream Blue Convertible

Joined: 9/3/2006
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[QUOTE=butch's vettes]Marshall, I can't believe you didn't at least come Thursday morning for the lap around the Indy 500 speedway track! You cannot imagine what a thrill it was for both of us to drive on this track where so much history has been made and think of all the great names that had raced there. Tux and I were weaving up and down the track, warming up our tires while the caution flag was out, Tom (white 78) was driving up close to the wall while Marilyn was leaning out the window taking pictures (to be speeded up later). It takes my breath away just thinking about it. Can't wait till Effingham!! That's all folks! Butch[/QUOTE]
I had made a decision early on that we would not be going on the Caravan, but I did try to look at the threads.  I must have missed any that mentioned the trip around the track (or even a mention of a route through Indy).  If I had known, I would have made every effort to be there.  I did drive the car to work that day, so it was already out.
Ditto - looking forward to seeing everyone @ Funfest in less than two weeks!!


I wanted a Corvette my whole life, but I never dreamed of all the wonderful people I would meet because of it!

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