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Topic: 2014 NCM Caravan

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2014 NCM Caravan (1/20)
 8/22/12 7:03am
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Greer, SC - USA

1978 Black with Viking mural painted under hood AM/FM/CB radio, T-top and a 2013 Cyber Gray Grand Sport Coupe, 2LT for my daily driver

Joined: 3/13/2012
Posts: 264

I know that this may be waaaaay too early for some, but my GPS unit and I need to plan long range usually...sooooo with that thought, has anybody given any thought for the 2014 National Corvette Caravan for the 20th anniversary of the museum?  I was not part of C3VR in 2009, but I am now!!!!! 
My GPS unit and I were co-leaders (co-captains for SC) for the NC/SC/VA caravan.  We did not pick up any other caravan and we had about 220 cars.  At one point, the overall captain asked me to lead because he was unsure of the interchange between two interstate freeways and I was (I looked in the mirror and saw over 200 Corvettes following me...at one point in KY, we had a state trooper leading the pack with his lights on and he told us when we hit the 4-lane, there was NO speed limit...I know we hit over 80MPH behind this trooper...nice to be running that speed with the blue lights in front, instead of behind me).  I had called ahead and sent media packages to two different television stations and as we came close to this interchange, we saw two helicoptors following us.  We had numerous friends see the caravan on the news that night.
The NC/SC/Va caravan is having a kick-off meeting at the end of September in Charlotte, NC and we will attend because we have signed up again to be co-captains for SC.  This time I hope to drive the '78 on the caravan, instead of the C5. 

Warning: The surgeon general has declared that it is NOT unhealthy to smoke your competition AND I just discovered that my corvette is a hybred.  It burns gas and rubber! 
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Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (2/20)
 8/22/12 8:07am
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Victor, NY - USA

2004 Commemorative Edition Coupe, Auto w/HUD. 13K miles in 2015. Sold 1982 Red Coupe

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I attended the 2009 Caravan, although I did not go with the NY/PA group. They left Carlisle at noon on Sunday and arrived at NCM on Wednesday. It is about an 8 hour ride from Carlisle, but they made some side trips along the way.
I left on Wednesday and got there on Wednesday.
Had a great time with a bunch of C3VR members that attended.
Stingray Jim cooked up some great vittles and we made a run to the Amish jam house.
We stayed near Mammoth Cave State Park.
I am sure there will be detailed plans as we get closer.

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Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (3/20)
 8/22/12 8:18am
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greer, SC - USA

C(6-5+2)VR - 1964 convertible 327/365 & 2003 convertible - 50th Anniversary Edition & 2010 3LT Coupe

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Cave City Ky !!! 
Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (4/20)
 8/22/12 8:19am
eboLifetime Member
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Holland Patent, NY - USA

#1 *1980 White, Red interior 14,000 mile #2 *1980 Red, Oyster interior 93,000 miles Resto project car, rebuilt to 383 stroker

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We were talking about it just the other day. how many planned days? Thur-Sunday?
Evil Smileebo


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Evil Smileebo
Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (5/20)
 8/22/12 8:31am
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Greer, SC - USA

1978 Black with Viking mural painted under hood AM/FM/CB radio, T-top and a 2013 Cyber Gray Grand Sport Coupe, 2LT for my daily driver

Joined: 3/13/2012
Posts: 264

not sure about the planned days, but it is the last week in August of 2014, with August 31st beingthe last day.  Clint, I am tying to convince Brenda to stay up in Cave City with the C3Vr group, if that is the plan like in 2009.  It will depend on who else is going from this area (I doubt many will go like in 2009).  Even though I have met some of the C3VR gang, I am willing to stay with this group anyhowWacko

Warning: The surgeon general has declared that it is NOT unhealthy to smoke your competition AND I just discovered that my corvette is a hybred.  It burns gas and rubber! 
Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (6/20)
 8/23/12 8:33am
NorskyLifetime Member
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Burke, VT - USA

SOLD - "The Toy" - '70 Convertible
SOLD - "The Beast" - '90 ZR-1 (#682)
SOLD - "Betty" - '28 Ford Model A Tudor
Still have - "BLKBRRD" - '78 Pontiac Trans Am

Joined: 1/23/2002
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Patty said she'd come along if we could take a day and go over to the Kentucky Horse Park like we did in '09.  It is a nice drive over to Lexington and the KHP is an interesting place, even if you're not a huge fan of horses. 


Jim Olson 

"The Toys"...!!!  Save the Wave!

Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!

Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (7/20)
 8/23/12 9:49am
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Greer, SC - USA

1978 Black with Viking mural painted under hood AM/FM/CB radio, T-top and a 2013 Cyber Gray Grand Sport Coupe, 2LT for my daily driver

Joined: 3/13/2012
Posts: 264

The KHP would be something that my wife would like to see too.  2 years ago we attended the "National RV Rally" in Louisville.  We found where the the Kentucky Derby was run and were shocked.  It is basically in the middle of a slum! 
While we were there, we also did the 'Bourbon Trail', where you visit 6 distilleries, get a book stamped at all 6 places, send it in and get a T-shirt with the logo of all 6 distilleries on the back....sort of cool.  But we could only do 3 on eac h day...sampling rooms Wink 
Becasue we are captains for SC, we will be at numerous meetings between now and then and we are making friends in that group too, so my wife has informed me (in NO uncertain terms) that we will stay in BG at the Hampton Inn with that group, BUT she did aquiesce to making a day trip with the C3VR group.  I think she is worried that Wally and I could break out in talking Minnesodan again ClownCool  Either that, or she is scared of Ebo (she has heard many stories about him already)!!!!!  Dat wascally wabbit!

Warning: The surgeon general has declared that it is NOT unhealthy to smoke your competition AND I just discovered that my corvette is a hybred.  It burns gas and rubber! 
Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (8/20)
 9/19/12 10:07pm
annicorvetteLifetime Member
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1969 rag top

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i am fersur goin to be there again. had to cut the 09 short due to family.
will be in the tx -la - ms caravan.
for those considering not going with a caravan and just driving to bg.
the caravan takes three times as long to arrive in bg --- but it is 100 times more fun.


Lifetime member # 35

Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (9/20)
 10/1/12 6:25am
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greer, SC - USA

C(6-5+2)VR - 1964 convertible 327/365 & 2003 convertible - 50th Anniversary Edition & 2010 3LT Coupe

Joined: 10/15/2007
Posts: 746

Is this a possibility for our 2014 C3VR gathering to align to these dates since it is midwest turn for 2014 ? Aug 24 - 31 ?
Trying to get calendar entries established for 2014.
Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (10/20)
 10/1/12 1:15pm
NorskyLifetime Member
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Burke, VT - USA

SOLD - "The Toy" - '70 Convertible
SOLD - "The Beast" - '90 ZR-1 (#682)
SOLD - "Betty" - '28 Ford Model A Tudor
Still have - "BLKBRRD" - '78 Pontiac Trans Am

Joined: 1/23/2002
Posts: 7261

It certainly could be.  At this point I'd guess it would have to be an exeutive decision to make it so.  If memory serves the last official C3VR gathering in BG took place in 2005, the 2nd (and last) pure C3 Extravaganza.  I know there have been concerns about our gathering in conjunction with a large scale event but we had fun with the C3VR gang during the '09 NCC.


Jim Olson 

"The Toys"...!!!  Save the Wave!

Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!

Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (11/20)
 10/1/12 4:22pm
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Victor, NY - USA

2004 Commemorative Edition Coupe, Auto w/HUD. 13K miles in 2015. Sold 1982 Red Coupe

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I am planning to attend the NCM event in 2014, so it would be good to see a lot of other C3VR members there.
You need to make hotel reservations well in advance, but I believe many of the caravan leaders reserve large blocks of rooms. If they don't fill by the cutoff date, they will be released, so you might get on a waiting list.
In 2009 we stayed in Cave City. That worked out well.

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Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (12/20)
 2/5/13 4:15pm
BT_JettLifetime Member
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Woodland Park, CO - USA

1973 T-Top, Red, 4spd manual, L82

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Seems to me we should poll the group and set it up for the NCC in 2014!!! Clap We have the 2013 coming up in June here in CO and can set the final plans during that gathering!!Thumbs Up
CAVE CITY here we come!!Hug


finally arrived and rarin' to ride 


Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (13/20)
 2/5/13 4:22pm
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Victor, NY - USA

2004 Commemorative Edition Coupe, Auto w/HUD. 13K miles in 2015. Sold 1982 Red Coupe

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Works for me.

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Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (14/20)
 2/5/13 6:47pm
NorskyLifetime Member
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Burke, VT - USA

SOLD - "The Toy" - '70 Convertible
SOLD - "The Beast" - '90 ZR-1 (#682)
SOLD - "Betty" - '28 Ford Model A Tudor
Still have - "BLKBRRD" - '78 Pontiac Trans Am

Joined: 1/23/2002
Posts: 7261

Just to be clear, the 2014 NCC to Bowling Green is in the East Region of the country (click here for a map of regions).  The Official C3VR Member Gathering for 2014 is slated to be in the Middle Region.  I don't mean to say we can't talk about a group of C3VR folks getting together for the NCM's 20th anniversery.  I just want everyone to keep in mind that the two gatherings are, as of now, totally separate events.


Jim Olson 

"The Toys"...!!!  Save the Wave!

Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!

Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (15/20)
 2/6/13 10:28am
manchestersharkLifetime Member
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Equinunk, PA - USA

1972 conv, 4-speed, 350, 200hp, numbers match, rally wheels, war bonnett yellow w/white top. good condition, nice driver.

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Clap I had mentioned this possibility a while ago when I heard of the 2014 caravan. We are signed up and plan to attend. We will be leaving Carlisle with a group leaving on Sunday afternoon. Hope we can incorperate the gathering in it as well. If not "AT" the 14' event then within the same time frame. Maybe the following days after Labor Day. Save your pennies, we could attempt a Corvette overload.Big smile M-n-S


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Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (16/20)
 9/12/13 4:12am
manchestersharkLifetime Member
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Equinunk, PA - USA

1972 conv, 4-speed, 350, 200hp, numbers match, rally wheels, war bonnett yellow w/white top. good condition, nice driver.

Joined: 10/31/2007
Posts: 2465

Big smile  Just getting this back in view. Time to think is NOW. Later may be to late.


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Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (17/20)
 9/12/13 3:23pm
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Victor, NY - USA

2004 Commemorative Edition Coupe, Auto w/HUD. 13K miles in 2015. Sold 1982 Red Coupe

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I just got a message from the NCC national chairman. The assembly plant will be opening soon for tours. They are not booking tours yet, but when they do they will fill up fast for that last week in August 2014.

From the Bowling Green News:

Tatman (Corvette Plant Manager) said he knows the public is eager to get back into the plant, but he wants to ensure that employees are in a production rhythm. He expects tours, which generally are given to thousands of people each year, will return in late October.

Here is the link for the plant website: http://www.bowlinggreenassemblyplant.com/

|UPDATED|9/12/2013 4:23:52 PM (AZT)|/UPDATED|

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Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (18/20)
 10/12/13 4:23am
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Victor, NY - USA

2004 Commemorative Edition Coupe, Auto w/HUD. 13K miles in 2015. Sold 1982 Red Coupe

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My understanding about plant tours during the NCM Caravan is that they will be continuous, not groups by appointment. They did this in 2009 and it is the best way to get a large number of people through the plant.

If you want a plant tour some other time, you can make an appointment.

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Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (19/20)
 11/6/13 10:47am
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Grand Rapids, MI - USA

1982 Coupe

Joined: 1/22/2011
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WAIT...............           Hold the phone..................     Did I miss something...............
I just got a post from on the 2014 Caravan Chat that C3VR Members were going to be staying
in Cave City...............             What hotel; when; how..........   Have I been asleep...........
Does my internet not work?????????            Help me out here.........
Tom Holbrook (2TONE82)..........
P.S.  I will be coming down with the Michigan Caravan but would like to hang with my C3VR friends and family....................
Re: 2014 NCM Caravan (20/20)
 12/27/13 12:39pm
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Victor, NY - USA

2004 Commemorative Edition Coupe, Auto w/HUD. 13K miles in 2015. Sold 1982 Red Coupe

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Posts: 6841

I don't know of any hotel for C3VR members. I think everyone is on their own.
Grab a place when you can. There are several motels in Cave City or near by.
I plan to stay in Mammoth Cave Park, but I haven't made a reservation yet.

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