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Topic: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda

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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (68/78)
 7/28/14 8:07am
VetteCountryLifetime Member
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Belvidere, IL - USA

1977 Black T-Top ZZ4 5Sp 16in Wheels

Joined: 10/24/2004
Posts: 438

We got home at midnight , 1890 miles. Double what was on car when we left. We want to thank Al and Lori for their hospitality and Condo. To The Grill Master and Phil and groupies, and all the girls who helped make the food. A Big Thank You!! It was a great weekend, with great friends. Thank You D/J. Out to clean car!
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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (69/78)
 7/28/14 8:40am
manchestersharkLifetime Member
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Equinunk, PA - USA

1972 conv, 4-speed, 350, 200hp, numbers match, rally wheels, war bonnett yellow w/white top. good condition, nice driver.

Joined: 10/31/2007
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Cool  What a week-end!  Fine food, FRIENDS, and fellowship. TRIPLE kudos to the EBO people. They are SUPER people! We were the shortest travelers, at 450 miles. Home at 1300 hrs and about 17 miles per gallon. Still soaking up water from the down pour. Rebuilt carb worked well, but still can't squeek the tires. A great time with great people. THANKS for the friendship and a enjoyable memory.  M-n-S


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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (70/78)
 7/28/14 12:31pm
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Long Valley, NJ - USA

1972 454 Coupe, 4 speed, Targa Blue with blue interior, luggage rack 2019 Grand Sport Coupe, M7, Ceramic Matrix Gray with gray interior

Joined: 3/21/2007
Posts: 293

ebo said: Oh Boy.......... still have 4 vette's here. It was a total wash out this morning so we slept in and then had a most excellent breakfast with multiple mess's. All the non C3 vette's then headed on down the road. Marshal and Candi were trying to make the haul home in one day.
One note about the new C7....... if you ever get to be in one bring a spare pair of undies..... I do not remember the last time I saw 3 digits' and it was in the teens of 3 digits'
This was ebofest 4 and for sure the best one yet!
Thank you all for the travel to get to eboland, I loved it. We drew quite a stare going thru the Adirondack's and crowds anywhere we stopped.       
Sarge 81 was an amazing display of ingenuity and never give up attitude! The LS conversion is a beast!
We will get some pictures up soon...............
aaah, so that explains it!  Showed up at Sylvan Beach and......for the second year in a row, NO C3VR-ers!  Starting to take it personally!  It did sprinkle a bit but overall a great day.  Saw Joe's Motion clone but didn't see him, and speaking of C7's couldn't believe how many were at the Beach over a dozen for sure!  Anyway my daughter has 3 more years at Syracuse University to get her Phd so I hope to attend Ebofest 5-6 or 7!



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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (71/78)
 7/28/14 3:19pm
eboLifetime Member
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Holland Patent, NY - USA

#1 *1980 White, Red interior 14,000 mile #2 *1980 Red, Oyster interior 93,000 miles Resto project car, rebuilt to 383 stroker

Joined: 6/3/2008
Posts: 4421

persico said:
ebo said: Oh Boy.......... still have 4 vette's here. It was a total wash out this morning so we slept in and then had a most excellent breakfast with multiple mess's. All the non C3 vette's then headed on down the road. Marshal and Candi were trying to make the haul home in one day.
One note about the new C7....... if you ever get to be in one bring a spare pair of undies..... I do not remember the last time I saw 3 digits' and it was in the teens of 3 digits'
This was ebofest 4 and for sure the best one yet!
Thank you all for the travel to get to eboland, I loved it. We drew quite a stare going thru the Adirondack's and crowds anywhere we stopped.       
Sarge 81 was an amazing display of ingenuity and never give up attitude! The LS conversion is a beast!
We will get some pictures up soon...............
aaah, so that explains it!  Showed up at Sylvan Beach and......for the second year in a row, NO C3VR-ers!  Starting to take it personally!  It did sprinkle a bit but overall a great day.  Saw Joe's Motion clone but didn't see him, and speaking of C7's couldn't believe how many were at the Beach over a dozen for sure!  Anyway my daughter has 3 more years at Syracuse University to get her Phd so I hope to attend Ebofest 5-6 or 7!

Well we really have never seen this so called vette....... so we were hiding on you......
Since we got such wet Azzz's last year it was decided that if it was raining we would not get up at 6am.... 4 of the vettes had to be on the road by noon so we used the quality time for a mega breakfast feast, and said a slow goodbye...... hmmmm I may have my red rod done before yours is........


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Evil Smileebo
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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (72/78)
 7/28/14 4:12pm
Adam WartellLifetime Member
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Eagleville, PA - USA

Used to own a 1979 Corvette now owned by JB79

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dads2vette said:... For those who did not attend this great shindig,  my passenger t-top decided it had had enough of my "wit" and jettisoned itself on 12S on the way from Eboland to my hotel.  Pitch blackness, cars zipping by at 65 mph.  I had to back up for what seemed to be miles in the dark and try to find it.  Thank goodness that no one was behind me!  I finally found it and was standing on the left shoulder watching cars drive past it without hitting it.  I finally got a chance to scurry out and grab it.  Tried to get it on the car to no avail and headed to the hotel.  Took a few hours of pulling, pushing and bending to where it fit back on the car.  Leaks and needs to be replaced so If anyone has a fiberglass t-top they want to sell...

By the way we all laughed our asses off over this, it is a pretty funny story.

Here's a picture. Yes that is a tire mark!

WOW!! I was always worried that would happen to me some day. And yeah, you're right... good thing no one was behind you! Wow.  Glad it's just parts and not humans that were damaged!

Glad you (and everyone in attendance) had a great time at Eboland. One of these days, I'll make it there! #BucketList


-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry 
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry

My first Vette, now owned by JB79:

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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (73/78)
 7/28/14 5:24pm
Former Member

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1974 med blue coupe

Joined: 12/23/2011
Posts: 10

Ebo may have been home sleeping. But Joe and I proudly represented C3 VETTE Registry. You must have missed us when we were walking around. 


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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (74/78)
 7/29/14 6:03am
eboLifetime Member
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Holland Patent, NY - USA

#1 *1980 White, Red interior 14,000 mile #2 *1980 Red, Oyster interior 93,000 miles Resto project car, rebuilt to 383 stroker

Joined: 6/3/2008
Posts: 4421

bluevet74 said: Ebo may have been home sleeping. But Joe and I proudly represented C3 VETTE Registry. You must have missed us when we were walking around. 


Sorry Greg, thought for sure you guyz would have stayed home that morning, I know it cleared up after that but we were well into food and fun at the ranch by then. This season has been so hard to get 3 good days of weather in a row never mind 5 or 6...... Al Gore said WHAT?
Evil Smile ebo


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Evil Smileebo
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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (75/78)
 7/29/14 7:22am
Standard Member
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Long Valley, NJ - USA

1972 454 Coupe, 4 speed, Targa Blue with blue interior, luggage rack 2019 Grand Sport Coupe, M7, Ceramic Matrix Gray with gray interior

Joined: 3/21/2007
Posts: 293

ebo said:
persico said:
ebo said: Oh Boy.......... still have 4 vette's here. It was a total wash out this morning so we slept in and then had a most excellent breakfast with multiple mess's. All the non C3 vette's then headed on down the road. Marshal and Candi were trying to make the haul home in one day.
One note about the new C7....... if you ever get to be in one bring a spare pair of undies..... I do not remember the last time I saw 3 digits' and it was in the teens of 3 digits'
This was ebofest 4 and for sure the best one yet!
Thank you all for the travel to get to eboland, I loved it. We drew quite a stare going thru the Adirondack's and crowds anywhere we stopped.       
Sarge 81 was an amazing display of ingenuity and never give up attitude! The LS conversion is a beast!
We will get some pictures up soon...............
aaah, so that explains it!  Showed up at Sylvan Beach and......for the second year in a row, NO C3VR-ers!  Starting to take it personally!  It did sprinkle a bit but overall a great day.  Saw Joe's Motion clone but didn't see him, and speaking of C7's couldn't believe how many were at the Beach over a dozen for sure!  Anyway my daughter has 3 more years at Syracuse University to get her Phd so I hope to attend Ebofest 5-6 or 7!

Well we really have never seen this so called vette....... so we were hiding on you......
Since we got such wet Azzz's last year it was decided that if it was raining we would not get up at 6am.... 4 of the vettes had to be on the road by noon so we used the quality time for a mega breakfast feast, and said a slow goodbye...... hmmmm I may have my red rod done before yours is........

HA! I was waiting for that - told Kim that "I  hope these guys dont think I really dont have a Vette at all and I am just some kind of weird groupie!"  Anyway  the race is on, not sure how far along your red rod is but I'm shooting for Carlisle.  However if we wind up selling our homes before then..all bets are off!



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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (76/78)
 7/29/14 7:23am
Standard Member
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Long Valley, NJ - USA

1972 454 Coupe, 4 speed, Targa Blue with blue interior, luggage rack 2019 Grand Sport Coupe, M7, Ceramic Matrix Gray with gray interior

Joined: 3/21/2007
Posts: 293

bluevet74 said: Ebo may have been home sleeping. But Joe and I proudly represented C3 VETTE Registry. You must have missed us when we were walking around. 


Did see Joe's car but dont't think wev'e met Greg or I certainly would have said hi!



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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (77/78)
 7/29/14 5:52pm
Bobbi's78Lifetime Member
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Coatesville, PA - USA

1978 Silver Anniversary Paint w/Mahogany Interior

Joined: 3/17/2007
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Frank and I got home about 6 PM.  Battled rain drops off and on the entire way home.  Ebo - thanks for the tape for the t-tops...worked great!!!  No water in the car!  This winter I'm planning on remedying that issue Wink.  Al & Lor - Thanks for opening "the Ranch" to us - we had a blast AGAIN!  Luv Youz Guyz!  

To everyone that was there - it was Soooooooooo nice to see everyone!  had a great time & missing everyone already!   Next year, I'm getting in line for the VetteCountry Thrill Ride!    Can't wait ! Glad to hear everyone made it home without incident!

BTW - still no name for the kitty LOL

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Re: 4th Annual Ebofest at Eboland Updated Agenda (78/78)
 7/29/14 7:54pm
dads2vetteLifetime Member
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Ash Fork, AZ - USA

1981 Red Interior White exterior

Joined: 4/18/2007
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Bobbi's78 said: BTW - still no name for the kitty LOL

Ralph!  I'm sticking with that.

Dave C..........My mantra: I can not be bought!!      Long and short term leases available.
In the words of Zora Arkus-Duntov "Is your seat belt fastened? Alright, Let's go"

Yeah, I know, Shut up Dave.
Lifetime Member #192

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