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Topic: 1 Fun field pass available

in Forum: C3VR at Corvettes at Carlisle

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1 Fun field pass available (1/1)
 8/9/23 11:31am
Rbaldino71Lifetime Member
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Finksburg, MD - USA

1971 sn 105877, 454 t-top, original car, 21,900 miles.

Joined: 8/27/2021
Posts: 5

Hello,  I had registered for the fun field for 2023 Corvettes at Carlisle and then I was selected to have my 71 in the NCRS tent.  So I have the windshield sticker (for a 2001 vette) available if someone wants it. All I ask is that you make a donation to my charity (https://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/rockybaldino2023) for a suggested donation of $50.  Reach out to me at rbaldinojr@gmail.com or 240-223-7057.   See you all going Thursday/Friday night.

Rocky Baldino 

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