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Topic: Vintage air

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Re: Vintage air (3/13)
 8/7/24 10:44am
manchestersharkLifetime Member
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Equinunk, PA - USA

1972 conv, 4-speed, 350, 200hp, numbers match, rally wheels, war bonnett yellow w/white top. good condition, nice driver.

Joined: 10/31/2007
Posts: 2465

Hire it done. Easier on your body and emotions. Not to mention you'll enjoy it more. 


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Re: Vintage air (4/13)
 8/7/24 4:10pm
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Cana, VA - USA

1975 Stingray 71 350 engine Flat top pistons Sniper fuel injection Hyperspark ignition Vintage Air air conditioning Borgeson power steering box

Joined: 7/3/2016
Posts: 355

I installed the VintageAir system on my '75 a few years ago -- it was a challenge but I did get through it.  I was in my '70s and not a small man, so crawling around under the dash was a bit stressful.

As you probably know, there are a lot of pieces that need to be brought together, and it did seem a bit overwhelming at times.  But their instructions are very good, and their phone support is great.

Best of luck! 



Re: Vintage air (5/13)
 8/7/24 4:57pm
murph77Gold Member
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Southampton, PA - USA

77 white ,ttops ,350 4 speed , buck skin

Joined: 9/30/2005
Posts: 10


Re: Vintage air (6/13)
 8/7/24 11:28pm
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1978 L48 Auto. Red with Oyster Leather interior. Owned since 1990.

Joined: 8/21/2002
Posts: 130

You certainly get my good wishes!    Hope it goes well.👍

In fact, I'll be interested to hear how it does go - I read recently that people swap their stock system for a Vintage Air set-up, which are supposed to be better?    

That said, at 72 I'm not sure I want to get into that swap!😱

Stephen J Irons
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Re: Vintage air (7/13)
 8/8/24 4:05am
murph77Gold Member
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Southampton, PA - USA

77 white ,ttops ,350 4 speed , buck skin

Joined: 9/30/2005
Posts: 10

Thank you , I’ll post some pictures of my progress 

Re: Vintage air (8/13)
 8/8/24 10:51am
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Pasadena, MD - USA

72 Coupe L48 4 sp Air Tilt Leather

Joined: 6/16/2004
Posts: 306

Good luck my friend. Me too going through interior work. I had seats redone over a year ago and well, it's still not ready to install them. Crawling around inside the cabin ain't what it used to be. It's been excruciating hot this summer and I could not find any good days to fold myself up and install the rear underlayment, interior carpet, 3 door assembly, etc.

As for the air, I would think at this point farm it out. I know how enticing it is to browse through catalogs and buy stuff for cool projects.....


72 Coupe L48 4sp
Custom Blue/Silver/Pearl

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Re: Vintage air (9/13)
 8/8/24 12:19pm
Standard Member
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Cana, VA - USA

1975 Stingray 71 350 engine Flat top pistons Sniper fuel injection Hyperspark ignition Vintage Air air conditioning Borgeson power steering box

Joined: 7/3/2016
Posts: 355

Kentvetteuk said:

You certainly get my good wishes!    Hope it goes well.👍

In fact, I'll be interested to hear how it does go - I read recently that people swap their stock system for a Vintage Air set-up, which are supposed to be better?    

That said, at 72 I'm not sure I want to get into that swap!😱

One thing about the VintageAir is that it eliminates the outside air duct, which means it is always recirculating the inside air.  I was getting a lot of hot air intrusion in the summer (I assume from the vent doors not sealing completely) so this was eliminated with the new setup.



Re: Vintage air (10/13)
 8/8/24 6:14pm
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Grapevine, TX - USA

1972 LT-1 convertible with factory air. 2017 Black Rose Grand Sport convertible.

Joined: 8/26/2006
Posts: 1486

I run my factory air in Max/recirc 100% of the time.  It's the only a/c setting to use.



Re: Vintage air (11/13)
 8/21/24 7:57am
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Lake Worth, FL - USA


Joined: 10/19/2023
Posts: 1

Good luck to you I have a 1973 454 4 speed I changed it over to fuel injection and electric headlight motors  did it myself I’m 84 years young

Re: Vintage air (12/13)
 8/21/24 12:33pm
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Norman, OK - USA

1976 Corvette

Joined: 8/2/2022
Posts: 4

I put Vintage Air in my '76. I had to modify one of the hard vent connections to make them fit together. I called customer service twice with wiring questions and they were quick to help. I have a dozen pics or so of the install if you are interested. Cramming the flex tubes and wiring behind the gauge cluster was tough. 

Re: Vintage air (13/13)
 8/21/24 1:47pm
Standard Member
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Cana, VA - USA

1975 Stingray 71 350 engine Flat top pistons Sniper fuel injection Hyperspark ignition Vintage Air air conditioning Borgeson power steering box

Joined: 7/3/2016
Posts: 355

I wasn't able to get the hard duct that goes across the steering column in place, so I just left the ducts open.  That worked fine.

I also wasn't able to get the ducts above the center gauge cluster in place.  It was just too tight in behind there.



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