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Topic: R12 recharging alternative successes?

in Forum: C3 Cooling and Heating Systems

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R12 recharging alternative successes? (1/3)
 8/18/22 8:27am
Reds82CELifetime Member
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McKinney, TX - USA

1982 Collector Edition, Silver-Beige metallic, 45000 miles and counting. 2024 Riptide Blue Z06 Convertible

Joined: 4/8/2005
Posts: 258

I need to top up the R12 in my 82.  On a 100 degree day, it is only blowing about 86 degrees.  I have read a lot about converting to 134a and most everyone agrees it is not as efficient, especially in our hot Texas summers.

I have not tested for leaks yet, but will (my son is a mechanic and will give it the UV test).  Everything works fine, just not cooling like it did in prior years.  

Has anyone had any long term success with "Freon-Don" or "Frost-King" or "Artic Air" or "SERCON" ect?

Anyone going to Carlisle would you please let me know what vendors are currently selling and their contact info?



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Re: R12 recharging alternative successes? (2/3)
 8/18/22 10:13pm
NorskyLifetime Member
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Burke, VT - USA

SOLD - "The Toy" - '70 Convertible
SOLD - "The Beast" - '90 ZR-1 (#682)
SOLD - "Betty" - '28 Ford Model A Tudor
Still have - "BLKBRRD" - '78 Pontiac Trans Am

Joined: 1/23/2002
Posts: 7261

R-12 can still be found if you hunt around, a LOT.  I local shop near me keeps a supply on hand mostly because his personal "fleet" of old cars use it.  I plan to have him go through the a/c on "BLKBRRD" before heading to Ft Worth.  Don't know anything about the products you mentioned.

And you're right about converting to R-134.  Did that shortly after buying "The Beast" and regretted doing it when running through Nevada after the Carson City Gathering.  The a/c just couldn't keep up with the desert sunshine, no matter how fast I drove...!!!  ;-)

|UPDATED|8/18/2022 11:13:51 PM (AZT)|/UPDATED|


Jim Olson 

"The Toys"...!!!  Save the Wave!

Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!

Re: R12 recharging alternative successes? (3/3)
 8/18/22 8:41pm
Limited Member
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Overland Park, KS - USA

1973 Orange Metallic Coupe (orig owner), L82, 4 spd (WR), PS, (A/C & PW (I installed from wrecked 73)), leather, AM/FM Stereo, ran with '65 FI unit earlier & will again some day. 2023 Accelerate Yellow HTC Stingray

Joined: 7/9/2003
Posts: 898

Definitely would not "convert" to R134 as it will not work as well as R12 because the condenser is to small and the compressor is really too small, even for R12.  Not sure why they thought the Corvette would be easier to cool than a passenger car as they have larger compressors in their other cars.  Don't know anything about the products you mentioned but I wouldn't add any non-R12 gas.  You should get about an 18 to 20 degree drop across the evaporator.

I read years ago that it takes about a 7-8 ton capacity A/C to cool a full size car.

|UPDATED|8/18/2022 9:41:29 PM (AZT)|/UPDATED|


1973 L-82 4 spd

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