Hey there folks! How is everyone doing? Long time since I last annoyed you all.
How much coolant for my 81? I do have an after market aluminum radiator so If anyone has made that change it would be helpful. If memory serves me I thought it was 5 gallons but I could be confusing it with a bunch of other vehicles because, well, memory does not serve me.
My best to all,
yeah, I know, shut up Dave
I think that's a tad much. 18 quarts is in my mind. That's total!
Hey there folks! How is everyone doing? Long time since I last annoyed you all.
How much coolant for my 81? I do have an after market aluminum radiator so If anyone has made that change it would be helpful. If memory serves me I thought it was 5 gallons but I could be confusing it with a bunch of other vehicles because, well, memory does not serve me.
My best to all,
yeah, I know, shut up Dave
No need to "shut up", just DuckDuckGo it. 😎
Probably says in the owner's manual also.
1973 L-82 4 spd