"I Love all Corvettes! LifeTime Member #60..Terry"
Joel Adams
C3VR Lifetime Member #56
My Link
(click for Texas-sized view!) NCRS
"Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comforting to cry in a CORVETTE than in a Kia"
Tuxblacray: She's Back In Black! Check out my pics @ My Link
(Click on image to see a bigger version)
Tuxblacray: She's Back In Black! Check out my pics @ My Link
(Click on image to see a bigger version)
Joel Adams
C3VR Lifetime Member #56
My Link
(click for Texas-sized view!) NCRS
"Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comforting to cry in a CORVETTE than in a Kia"
There is no substitute for low end torque!