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Topic: Looking to Paint my '75 C3 in Northridge CA

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Looking to Paint my '75 C3 in Northridge CA (1/5)
 8/12/22 1:11pm
David Frey
Former Member

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, CA - USA

1975 white C3. I'm restoring it. Everything is done except paint.

Joined: 8/12/2022
Posts: 1


I'm looking for someone to paint my '75 C3.  I live in Northridge CA.   Los Angeles County CA.  

Any ideas?   



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Re: Looking to Paint my '75 C3 in Northridge CA (2/5)
 8/12/22 4:08pm
Former Member

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Keauu, HA - USA

'81 C3

Joined: 2/17/2022
Posts: 5

How about painting it yourself? I've got an '81 that I'm doing a complete restore on, have never painted a car before, and I painted it myself. Fortunately for me, the place that sold me the necessary materials is owned by a retired car painter so I was able to get LOTS of guidance. It was a pretty big undertaking for a beginner, but it turned out well and I'm no longer intimidated by the process. I found it quite satisfying to see it finished and know it was my hands that did it and I would imagine you would as well.

Re: Looking to Paint my '75 C3 in Northridge CA (3/5)
 8/12/22 5:27pm
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Grapevine, TX - USA

1972 LT-1 convertible with factory air. 2017 Black Rose Grand Sport convertible.

Joined: 8/26/2006
Posts: 1466

I personally would never attempt that.  YMMV.



Re: Looking to Paint my '75 C3 in Northridge CA (4/5)
 8/13/22 6:53am
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Cana, VA - USA

1975 Stingray 71 350 engine Flat top pistons Sniper fuel injection Hyperspark ignition Vintage Air air conditioning Borgeson power steering box

Joined: 7/3/2016
Posts: 353

I also painted my '75 (twice).  The biggest challenge in my mind is getting the surface flat before painting.  On a fiberglass car, particularly one like a Corvette where there are no flat surfaces, you can't use a wide sanding block, so it is not easy to get it all as flat as needed.

If you do decide to do it yourself, get a good HVLP spray gun and go for it.  There is nothing like being able to say "I did it myself."



Re: Looking to Paint my '75 C3 in Northridge CA (5/5)
 8/13/22 5:00pm
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Mammoth Lakes, CA - USA

1971 LS5 Convertible with M/T, A/C,Brandshatch Green, Saddle Leather interior, numbers match

Joined: 11/15/2003
Posts: 37

J&D Corvette, Bellflower, CA


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