This thread will layout options to vote for
WHERE to hold the 2014 C3VR Members Gathering. Another thread will layout options for when to hold the Gathering.
Please vote only if you will be most likely attend.Each of the options below are general listings of things to do and see. A more detailed agenda will be put together once a place has been chosen.
Option #1 – Wisconsin -- Green Bay/Appleton
- possible drives
--- lap of Door County (the finger of land extending northeast from Green Bay)
--- lap of Lake Winnebago (the largest lake in Wisconsin)
- possible activities
--- tour the Cold Water Fish Hatchery at Wild Rose
--- photo op at the High Ground Veterans Memorial near Neilsville
--- tour the Veteran Home at King
--- tour the Stephens Point Brewery
--- tour the Lynn Dairy Cheese Factory
--- tour the Rosendale Dairy Farm
--- tour the Experimental Aircraft Association museum at Oshkosh
--- tour the Wisconsin Car Museum at Hartford
--- tour Lambeau Field and Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame
--- tour a World War II submarine at Manitowoc
--- visit Road America at Elkhart Lake and drive the historic public road course
--- tour the Waupaca Foundry (they make brakes for GM)
Option #2 – Wisconsin -- Wisconsin Dells/Madison
- possible drives
--- Kettle Morraine area in central Wisconsin
--- Along the Wisconsin River (including a ferry crossing)
- possible activities
--- all kinds of fun things to do in the Wisconsin Dells area
--- tour Circus World at Baraboo
--- tour the International Crane Sanctuary near Fairfield
--- tour the House on the Rock near Spring Green
--- tour the Frank Lloyd Wright Taliesin Studio near Spring Green
Option #3 – Minnesota/Wisconsin -- Duluth/Superior
- possible drives
--- Skyline Drive and the North Shore of Lake Superior
--- South Shore of Lake Superior to Bayfield and the Apostle Islands
--- the Iron Range (where American steel comes from)
- possible activities
--- tours of a Great Lakes ore boat, the Maritime Museum and Aquarium at the harbor in Duluth
--- tour the Lake Superior Railroad Museum in Duluth
--- tour Split Rock Lighthouse on the North Shore
--- tour the underground ore mines at Tower/Soudan
--- tour the Richard Bong Veterans Historical Center in Superior (WWII combat ace)
--- boat tour of the Duluth-Superior harbor
Option #4 – Minnesota -- St. Paul/Minneapolis and western Wisconsin
- possible drives
--- Mississippi River valley downstream from the Twin Cities
--- St. Croix River valley (National Scenic Riverway)
--- hills and valleys of western Wisconsin
- possible activities
--- tour vineyards along the Mississippi River valley
--- tour Elmer’s Auto and Toy Museum near Fountain City, WI
--- tour the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company in Chippewa Falls, WI
--- play and shop at the Mall of America (NASCAR Silicon Speedway, A.C.E.S. Flight Simulator, Lego Land)
--- attend the Historic Hastings Saturday Night Cruise-In
Option #5 – South Dakota -- Rapid City/Black Hills
- possible drives
--- The Black Hills (multiple routes)
--- The Badlands National Park and Buffalo Gap Grasslands
- possible activities
--- visit Wall Drug (you’ve seen the signs all over the country)
--- visit Crazy Horse Memorial monument
--- visit Mount Rushmore National Memorial
--- visit Devil’s Tower National Monument (remember Close Encounters of the Third Kind)
--- visit Wind Cave National Park
--- ride the Black Hills Central Railroad
--- visit the historic towns of Lead and Deadwood
--- tour the WyoDak open pit coal mine and power plant
--- soak/splash in the springs at Hot Springs
Thanks go to Wally (sundew) and Frank (eaglesnest) for their help in pulling together this list of options.
Please use this thread for voting only. Another thread will be used for comments and discussion. 
Question: Please vote ONLY if you are most likely to attend. Where would you like the 2014 C3VR Members Gathering to be?Click one of the following choices to submit your response. (NOTE: Be sure to select the correct response, once you make your selection you can not change it!)
1. Option #1 – Wisconsin -- Green Bay/Appleton
2. Option #2 – Wisconsin -- Wisconsin Dells/Madison
3. Option #3 – Minnesota/Wisconsin -- Duluth/Superior
4. Option #4 – Minnesota/Wisconsin -- St. Paul/Minneapolis and western Wisconsin
5. Option #5 – South Dakota -- Rapid City/Black Hills
See the current results of this survey ______________
Jim Olson

"The Toys"...!!! Save the Wave! 
Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!