I'd like to hear thoughts on whether or not you think we should pursue holding our annual Gathering this year.
If so, stick with DFW?
If so, when should we shoot for?
If we hold it, will you attend?
-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry
My first Vette, now owned by JB79:
I definitely would like to see the Gathering rescheduled in Fort Worth. I believe the best time would be in September or October as it gets really hot down there in the summer. And, yes we will go.
I'd like to hear thoughts on whether or not you think we should pursue holding our annual Gathering this year.
If so, stick with DFW?
If so, when should we shoot for?
If we hold it, will you attend?
I think we should definitely pursue rescheduling in DFW as planned last year. A good agenda was put together and getting on the books with the host hotel sooner than later would be a good thing to do as they were very accommodating with our plans last year.
Waiting until fall as Larry suggested would give the country time to see how the pandemic is going. A go/no go date should be picked to get the most current COVID information and local guidelines understood and either go ahead with The Gathering or postpone it again.
And while I cannot at this point guarantee I'll be attending but if all the stars and planets align I'll be there.
As far as I know I'm in, fall would be the best as mentioned. Hopefully not to late in the fall as snow has a tendency to show up early here.
Dorothy & I are in. Fall, like most have mentioned, would probably be best.
We should pursue DFW again this year and in the fall. It sounded like a good time was in the works for everyone. Our plan would be to be there and enjoy the people.
Bob J
finally arrived and rarin' to ride
We certainly hope that we can all get together this year. Fort Worth would be great and probably best in October or late September. We will be there.
(click on image for larger view!)
States I've visited:
Sept/Oct is no guarantee that it won't be still hot here....maybe not 115f, but prolly still in the 80's-90's. Then again...it could be in the 40's. It's Texas...ya never know! LOL! I'm up to try again....might be a bit far, but I think we could make it happen.
Joel Adams
C3VR Lifetime Member #56
My Link
(click for Texas-sized view!) NCRS
"Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comforting to cry in a CORVETTE than in a Kia"
I'm up to try again....might be a bit far, but I think we could make it happen.
"A bit far" !?! I'll be coming from Pennsylvania! THAT is a bit far! 😝
-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry
My first Vette, now owned by JB79:
Joel Adams
C3VR Lifetime Member #56
My Link
(click for Texas-sized view!) NCRS
"Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comforting to cry in a CORVETTE than in a Kia"
We should schedule the gathering this year in DFW for all the work that went into planning it for 2020. Who doesn't want to see where money is minted and printed, and those free samples!! If you plan it we will come. Hope it's a go and we can see everyone there!
Mel & Karen
Lifetime Member #90
We would love to attend, and I agree, that with all the work that went into planning last year, the same bat time and same bat station would be best! Remember to bring your drones for group photos!
It would be our second gathering without a car, as we just sold her! Woo Hoo, and Boo Hoo!
Kid Carly
Save The Wave!
It would be our second gathering without a car, as we just sold her! Woo Hoo, and Boo Hoo!
I've been doing Gatherings without a Vette for years. 😔
Someday I'll have another.
-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry
My first Vette, now owned by JB79:
We hope to have another as well someday, we just keep donating to the Dream Giveaway folks and keep our fingers crossed!
Save The Wave!
OH Please..... Adam,,,,,, Remember Saskatchewan............