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Topic: 2019 Gathering Agenda

in Forum: Annual C3VR Member Gathering

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2019 Gathering Agenda (1/9)
 6/7/19 4:36am
Adam WartellLifetime Member
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C3VR Founder
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Eagleville, PA - USA

Used to own a 1979 Corvette now owned by JB79

Joined: 11/1/2001
Posts: 18230

As of 6/7/2019, the complete agenda is as follows:
Wednesday, 7/17/2019:
  • 6-8pm: Meet and greet supper will be at hotel on patio with a bbq

Thursday, 7/18/2019:

  • 9:00am: Saskatoon Military museum of artifacts
  • 11:30am-12:00pm: Lunch @ Wendle Clarkes Bar & Grill
  • 2:00pm: Riverboat Tour (dock at 1:30) Prepay tour of CAD $26.25 per person
  • 5:00pm: Dinner at Montanas

Friday, 7/19/2019:

  • 9:00am: Toys for Boys: With the owner of a private collection cars and WW2 planes at Davidson 
  • Lunch: We are combining this morning with a stop at Kinder Surprise Antiques and weather permitting there will be a catered lunch at the antique place.  This meal will be a cash basis meal, approx 15.00 per person.
  • 2:00pm: Western Development Museum
  • 5-6pm: Dinner at German Concordia Club (will pay Cindy on site, around $31 per person)

NOTE: May do an evening drive on Thursday or Friday if weather and time permits just to look at some of city, and hopefully stop at the DQ which is an iconic spot in Saskatoon, only one of its kind left that we know of, and a hot spot for classic car guys.

Saturday, 7/20/2019:
  • 9:00am: Wilsons Greenhouse (go carts, zip line, shopping)
  • 12:00pm: Lunch at Pink Cadillac
  • 1:30pm: Drive to Cudworth: approx 1 hr drive for train ride aboard the Wheatland Express. Our evening meal will be here. Depending on if you stay for entertainment will dictate arrival time back to hotel.
    • This event is a prepay of CAD $130.00 each 
    • You must reserve your spot in advance. You can call them directly to pay by credit card  Phone: 306-233-3068, ask to speak to Ashlynn and tell them you are with the C3VR group, or send a check to member Cindy (cinor) -  Send her a PM to get payment info.
Sunday, 7/21/2019:
  • Breakfast and Goodbyes

|UPDATED|6/7/2019 5:36:33 AM (AZT)|/UPDATED|


-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry 
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry

My first Vette, now owned by JB79:

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Re: 2019 Gathering Agenda (2/9)
 1/4/19 3:41pm
NorskyLifetime Member
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Burke, VT - USA

SOLD - "The Toy" - '70 Convertible
SOLD - "The Beast" - '90 ZR-1 (#682)
SOLD - "Betty" - '28 Ford Model A Tudor
Still have - "BLKBRRD" - '78 Pontiac Trans Am

Joined: 1/23/2002
Posts: 7261

Looks like fun...!!!

Go-cart racing...!?!?!?!?!   YES...!!!   Thumbs Up   Clap   Thumbs Up   Clap   Thumbs Up   Clap   Thumbs Up

So when is the deadline for the pre-pay items?  Assuming they need to be sent to Cindy (address needed).

|UPDATED|1/4/2019 4:41:39 PM (AZT)|/UPDATED|


Jim Olson 

"The Toys"...!!!  Save the Wave!

Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!

Re: 2019 Gathering Agenda (3/9)
 1/18/19 2:31am
cinorLifetime Member
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1975 L48 Stingray 1992 LT1

Joined: 12/24/2013
Posts: 414

So I got the name wrong, it is not Laura it is Ashlynn. I have also asked them to use C3VR as a reference to our invoice. so all you need to do if you call is tell them our group name. Sorry for the confusion.


Re: 2019 Gathering Agenda (4/9)
 1/18/19 2:18pm
NorskyLifetime Member
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Burke, VT - USA

SOLD - "The Toy" - '70 Convertible
SOLD - "The Beast" - '90 ZR-1 (#682)
SOLD - "Betty" - '28 Ford Model A Tudor
Still have - "BLKBRRD" - '78 Pontiac Trans Am

Joined: 1/23/2002
Posts: 7261

I updated the info on the agenda post.



Jim Olson 

"The Toys"...!!!  Save the Wave!

Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!

Re: 2019 Gathering Agenda (5/9)
 5/16/19 5:28am
cinorLifetime Member
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1975 L48 Stingray 1992 LT1

Joined: 12/24/2013
Posts: 414

I will be posting an updated agenda by the end of the month, as well I am going to put together a to do and not do list  so keep your eyes peeled


Re: 2019 Gathering Agenda (6/9)
 5/16/19 6:46am
Adam WartellLifetime Member
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C3VR Founder
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Eagleville, PA - USA

Used to own a 1979 Corvette now owned by JB79

Joined: 11/1/2001
Posts: 18230

cinor said:

I will be posting an updated agenda by the end of the month, as well I am going to put together a to do and not do list  so keep your eyes peeled

Awesome! Thanks for all you're doing!


-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry 
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry

My first Vette, now owned by JB79:

Re: 2019 Gathering Agenda (7/9)
 6/7/19 4:07am
cinorLifetime Member
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1975 L48 Stingray 1992 LT1

Joined: 12/24/2013
Posts: 414

The completed agenda for the 2019 gathering

July 17th  Meet and Greet @ hotel BBQ on patio (6-8ish)

July 18th    9:00  Military Artifacts Museum

                  11:30  - 12:00  Lunch @ Wendle Clarkes Bar & Grill

                   2:00 Riverboat tour,  (dock at 1:30)

                   5:00 Supper @ Montanas

July 19th    9:00 tour of Fast Toys for Boys   (Davidson)

                 We are combining this morning with a stop at Kinder Surprise Antiques and weather permitting there will be

                  a catered lunch at the antique place.  This meal will be a cash basis meal, approx 15.00 per person

                   2:00 ish Western Development Museum

                   5:00-5:30  Supper @ German Concordia Club   I will have to pay for this meal on my credit card , and you will 

                   have to pay me, tax's and tips includ'd comes to 31.00 per person.

July 20th     9:00 ish  Wilsons Greenhouse ( go carts, zip line, shopping)

                   12:00  Lunch @ Pink Cadillac

                    1:30   Leave for Cudworth to board the Wheatland Express Train,  supper is included

July 21st       Breakfast and Goodbyes           

I would like to do an evening drive on Thursday or Friday if weather and time permits just to look at some of city, and hopefully stop at th DQ which is an iconic spot in Saskatoon, only one of its kind left that we know of, and a hot spot for classic car guys.   


|UPDATED|6/7/2019 5:07:16 AM (AZT)|/UPDATED|


Re: 2019 Gathering Agenda (8/9)
 6/7/19 7:47am
Standard Member
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Scottsdale, AZ - USA

1981 Corvette Two-Tone Claret color, 4 spd, C7 Vert

Joined: 5/23/2007
Posts: 616

Looks great but, I don't see buffalo riding lessons at Sarah's?

      Only 32 years together
Re: 2019 Gathering Agenda (9/9)
 6/7/19 3:02pm
cinorLifetime Member
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1975 L48 Stingray 1992 LT1

Joined: 12/24/2013
Posts: 414

We decided that maybe we would just bbq one instead


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