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Topic: 2008 Gathering - Day Two Agenda - 4/18

in Forum: Annual C3VR Member Gathering

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2008 Gathering - Day Two Agenda - 4/18 (1/3)
 2/3/08 9:18pm
NorskyLifetime Member
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Burke, VT - USA

SOLD - "The Toy" - '70 Convertible
SOLD - "The Beast" - '90 ZR-1 (#682)
SOLD - "Betty" - '28 Ford Model A Tudor
Still have - "BLKBRRD" - '78 Pontiac Trans Am

Joined: 1/23/2002
Posts: 7261

Agenda Day 2 - Friday - 4/18:

Morning Meet for everyone:

  • 9:00am - Club meeting and Group Photo @ host hotel.
    • We would like for EVERYONE to be in attendance for this. Please meet start to gather in the hotel parking lot at 8:45am!

Primary Activities for everyone: (***MUST SIGN UP - CLICK HERE***)
  • 10:00 am - Cruise to Rich Mountain, Queen Wilhemina State Park - Led by JDGrant (A map and John Grant's cell phone number will be provided to each car on the cruise).
  • 10:40 am - Stop at Mt Ida for restroom break
  • 12:00 pm - Lunch at Queen Wilhemina Lodge. And photos from the Lodge's lookout.
  • 1:30 pm -  Take photos from 2 different lookouts on the Mountain.
  • 2:00 pm – John Grant to take photos of each car in front of restored Esso Station in Mena to be listed on C3VR web site.
  • 3:00 pm - Stop at Pine Ridge at the Ole Lum & Abner Store. (Only for those that want to stop due to limited parking, 12 car max.). Those not stopping will continue to head back to host Hotel led by John Grant.
  • 3:30 pm - Depart for Host Hotel from Pine Ridge.
  • 4:50 pm - Return to Host Hotel

Alternate Activities for CACC show participants only:

  • Register for CACC Vette show and events, $55 registration fee ($65 after April 1) to enter the car show and attend any of the events.
  • Poker Run
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Autocross ($20 per car)

Alternate Activities for everyone:
  • 10:00am - Shopping at outlet malls and HS Mall
  • 12:00pm - Lunch at Oaklawn Park
  • 1:00pm - Races begin for a Day at the races at Oaklawn Park, Simulcast racing and electronic games of skill

Evening Events for Everyone:

Evening Events for CACC Show participants Only:
  • 8:30pm - Moonlight Cruise sponsored by CACC Staging begins at 7:45 PM (must be registered for CACC show to participate)

We'll be using FRS/GMRS Radios during our group cruises.
We'll try to us channel 5.3 unless otherwise noted.
If you need to buy some, here is a good deal, two radios, with charger for $30!
Uniden GMR1438-2CK 14-Mile FRS/GMRS Radios

2008 Gathering - Day One Agenda - 4/17
2008 Gathering - Day Three Agenda - 4/19
2008 Gathering - Wed/Sun agenda

Adam Wartell2008-03-29 12:45:12


Jim Olson 

"The Toys"...!!!  Save the Wave!

Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!

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2008 Gathering - Day Two Agenda - 4/18 (2/3)
 3/29/08 6:52pm
cthulhuLifetime Member
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Hot Springs, AR - USA

69 Conv #'s match 427, TKO-600/.64, 3.36HD-Posi, HT, T/T, PS, PB, PW, SP, Leather, Comp XE264HR & Roller Rockers & Lifters, Air-Gap RPM intake, Holley St Av 770 VS, MSD 6AL+Dist+Blaster SS, K&N, Jet-Hot Hooker Side-Pipes, Steeroids, Al Rad, Spal Fans

Joined: 4/24/2004
Posts: 3232

I am trying to figure out what my schedule is going to be like.
The 12th is our biggest day of the year at work AND that night I have move my server room to a different part of the building, vacate my offices, etc,etc in preparation for a $35+ Million construction project.
I have literally been so busy that I havent had time to do much of anything other than work.
I have to firm up some schedules at work and Ill let you know what I can attend.
2008 Gathering - Day Two Agenda - 4/18 (3/3)
 3/30/08 8:39am
Former Member

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Victor, NY - USA

2004 Commemorative Edition Coupe, Auto w/HUD. 13K miles in 2015. Sold 1982 Red Coupe

Joined: 7/12/2004
Posts: 6841

Just pop in when you can if you have to.
You are close enough by that you can call one of us on the cell and join in.
See you soon.

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