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Topic: 2008 Gathering - Day Three Agenda - 4/19

in Forum: Annual C3VR Member Gathering

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2008 Gathering - Day Three Agenda - 4/19 (1/1)
 2/3/08 9:19pm
NorskyLifetime Member
Lifetime Member
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Burke, VT - USA

SOLD - "The Toy" - '70 Convertible
SOLD - "The Beast" - '90 ZR-1 (#682)
SOLD - "Betty" - '28 Ford Model A Tudor
Still have - "BLKBRRD" - '78 Pontiac Trans Am

Joined: 1/23/2002
Posts: 7261

Agenda Day 3 - Saturday - 4/19:

  • 7:00am - Depart Host Hotel for CACC Vette show 8:00 AM till 11:00 AM at the Transportation Depot downtown Hot Springs - Led by JDGrant.
  • 11:00am - Lunch at the show Catfish/chicken from 11 till 12:30 PM (cost $10 per person must pre-register)
  • 12:30pm - Either Cruise to Drag Strip (Smoke in the Mtns. cost $20 to per car or $5 per spectator.) Or Guided Road Cruise of Hot Springs and the Ouachita Mtns.
  • 9:00am - Depart Host Hotel for CACC Vette show for viewing only at the Transportation Depot downtown Hot Springs (***MUST SIGN UP-CLICK HERE***)
  • 1:00pm - Cruise the Hot Springs Belle on beautiful Lake Hamilton (***MUST SIGN UP-CLICK HERE***)
    • Lunch cruise for $19.99. Ride only is $13.99. Children (2-12) are $7.49. Tax and tip is extra for all. We can get a group rate with 20 or more.  5200 Central Ave (Highway 7 South). Phone number is 501-525-4438.

Alt. activities 1 for Non-CACC Participants 

Alt. activities 2 for Non-CACC Participants
  • Day at the races at Oaklawn Park for those that missed it Friday.
Evening Activities for CACC Participants Only:
  • 6:30pm - Transportation Depot for Barbeque (for CACC show entrants) ($10 per person & must pre-register), Car Show Awards, Silent Auction, Raffle Drawings, Block Party and Games and Dance.
Evening Activities for Everyone: (***MUST SIGN UP - CLICK HERE***)
  • 7:00pm - C3VR Gathering Finale dinner at McClard's BBQ
    • Rated one of the best BBQs in the US
    • 505 Albert Pike. 501-623-9665 or 866-622-5273
    • Final official event for the 2008 Gathering
    • Short "State of the Club" info, announcements
    • Special presentation(s)
    • If you are going to the CACC BBQ, please head to McClard's ASAP to be a part of the post-dinner info, announcements, presentation(s)
2008 Gathering - Day One Agenda - 4/17
2008 Gathering - Day Two Agenda - 4/18
2008 Gathering - Wed/Sun agenda

Adam Wartell2008-02-28 14:41:33


Jim Olson 

"The Toys"...!!!  Save the Wave!

Where I've been in a Corvette...!!!

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