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Topic: This will put a smile on your face!!!!

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This will put a smile on your face!!!! (1/3)
 7/15/19 3:45pm
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Scottsdale, AZ - USA

1981 Corvette Two-Tone Claret color, 4 spd, C7 Vert

Joined: 5/23/2007
Posts: 616

Cindy,  This is a must watch every time "shit" happens on your restoration!





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Re: This will put a smile on your face!!!! (2/3)
 7/16/19 4:45am
cinorLifetime Member
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1975 L48 Stingray 1992 LT1

Joined: 12/24/2013
Posts: 414

loved it, People ask me why ever would you want a car like that, and my answer was the same as the video, cause they are just fun.  I have had mine out on the road, but there is something wrong with the transmission, I have Joel on it as the guys here obviously don't know transmissions, I'll tell you it was only a short distance, but it was fun and when you hit them gears, man she goes.


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Re: This will put a smile on your face!!!! (3/3)
 7/16/19 10:11am
Adams' AppleLifetime Member
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Duncanville, TX - USA

#1-1974 L-48 4spd Cp Med Red Metallic/Black deluxe int w/AC/tilt/tele./p/w-p/b/ Am-Fm/map light National/Regional/Chapter NCRS "Top Flight" #2-1985 Bright Red/Carmine Cp.L-98/auto Member: NCRS, NCRS Texas, Corvette Legends of Texas

Joined: 11/8/2003
Posts: 20189

cinor said: I have Joel on it as the guys here obviously don't know transmissions,

What th' heck d'ya mean?? I'm here! 🤣  lol


Joel Adams
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"Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comforting to cry in a CORVETTE than in a Kia"

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